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Qurbani-donasjoner kan hjelpe til med å gi næringsrik mat til vanskeligstilte familier i fattige og utsatte samfunn. Isolerte samfunn og områder er ofte sårbare for sult og fattigdom. Målet med Qurbani er å sikre at enhver muslimsk person får tilgang til mat slik at de kan nyte Eid-ul-Adha. Når vi distribuerer Qurbani-kjøttet, sørger vi for at kjøttet blir gitt til de mest trengende og vanskeligstilte i regionen.
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Pakistan has a population of 202.2 million, and many of these live in poor areas. These areas are often isolated, and national measures and interventions thus do not reach them.
Pakistan experiences recurring disasters such as landslides and floods, and the inequality between the richest and poorest is large and noticeable. The poor in Pakistan still live with unsafe drinking water and a lack of sanitation.
Many families in Pakistan struggle to find food, extract crops and have minimal access to clean water as a result of droughts, floods, and other repeated natural disasters. 41 million people live with malnutrition, and over a third of the country's population does not have enough to eat and is struggling to feed their own families.
The gap between the rich and the poor in Pakistan becomes especially visible when we look at health services and access to clean and safe drinking water. The Imdad Relief Foundation has worked in Pakistan and has assisted hospitals with a lack of resources.
Here we have provided the tools needed for dialysis treatment and other basic equipment to treat diseases. With your help, we have been able to offer free treatment to needy patients, giving them a better quality of life and a greater chance of breaking the cycle of poverty.
Many people living in rural areas and below the poverty line go to bed hungry at night, not knowing where their next meal will come from. With your help, we can distribute food to Christian minorities, as well as families and orphans during the holy month of Ramadan. Our volunteers and our local office enable us to provide humanitarian assistance to the many in need in Pakistan.
By focusing on improving the quality of life through clean habits, good sanitation, free health care, and nutritious meals, we can change the lives of many needy people across the country. When we close the gap between rich and poor and reduce inequality, we can change lives in Pakistan.