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Find more projectsNæringsrik mat til fattige familier
Qurbani-donasjoner kan hjelpe til med å gi næringsrik mat til vanskeligstilte familier i fattige og utsatte samfunn. Isolerte samfunn og områder er ofte sårbare for sult og fattigdom. Målet med Qurbani er å sikre at enhver muslimsk person får tilgang til mat slik at de kan nyte Eid-ul-Adha. Når vi distribuerer Qurbani-kjøttet, sørger vi for at kjøttet blir gitt til de mest trengende og vanskeligstilte i regionen.
Food Aid
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One-third of all food produced worldwide is discarded, yet hunger is still one of the biggest problems and one of the biggest causes of death worldwide.
Not having to worry about where our next meal is coming from is a privilege many of us take for granted. But for over 815 million people who go to bed on an empty stomach, this is a daily reality. 11% of the world's population, or one in nine people, suffers from chronic hunger.
Hunger is not only physically painful but is often the cause of recurrent diseases and limited development. Breaking free from the cycle of poverty is difficult for families experiencing chronic hunger. Hunger prevents children from getting a proper education, and it prevents adults from being able to go to work. If you are hungry, it is difficult to improve your overall quality of life.
Imdad Relief Foundation works hard to prevent hunger and the effects of food shortages. We work with both vulnerable communities in poor regions and conflict areas in crisis. Food is a basic human need to be able to live. Imdad Relief Foundation works to combat malnutrition and hunger in some of the world's poorest regions. Regular distribution of food and assistance, as well as resources for own cultivation in smaller rural areas, are some of our main measures.