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Qurbani-donasjoner kan hjelpe til med å gi næringsrik mat til vanskeligstilte familier i fattige og utsatte samfunn. Isolerte samfunn og områder er ofte sårbare for sult og fattigdom. Målet med Qurbani er å sikre at enhver muslimsk person får tilgang til mat slik at de kan nyte Eid-ul-Adha. Når vi distribuerer Qurbani-kjøttet, sørger vi for at kjøttet blir gitt til de mest trengende og vanskeligstilte i regionen.
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Donate what you can
Zakat is a basic idea that Allah (SWT) will teach the believers about welfare and it tells us that we must show charity to those who are less fortunate than us. Zakat is a religious obligation and is the third pillar of Islam. Every Muslim who meets the criteria is obliged to donate a certain amount of wealth to charity.
Zakat contributes to a fair distribution of wealth and social benefits. This is a symbol of solidarity, and your Zakat can help the less fortunate. Your Zakat donated through the Imdad Relief Foundation gives hope and support to those who need it most.
Imdad Relief Foundation is proud to have a 100% Zakat policy on all our projects. This means that every penny goes to the actual case. Every penny of your Zakat donation goes directly to the needy. You can therefore be sure that your entire Zakat is helping to make life easier for the disadvantaged and poor in the world.
Zakat (welfare tax) is an annual payment paid by Muslims who have a fortune exceeding the value of Nisab in an Islamic year. The donation is distributed to those who need it the most. A Zakat donation is not just given to anyone. The recipient must meet some requirements. We can divide it into eight categories. The categories are as follows:
Imdad Relief Foundation ensures that your Zakat donation is distributed to those who need it most: to families, children, widows, and the elderly living in vulnerable areas.